Thursday 10 September 2015

20,000 YouTube Subscribers !!!

Oh My Goodness!!!!

So this morning I woke up to another massive YouTube milestone for SETC!
We have hit 20,000 YouTube subscribers!!

We can't believe that in 12 months we have reached such an impressive milestone. When I started my YouTube channel the thought of having 1000 subscribers was something that I didn't think would happen for a very long time and here we are with just over 20k.

We would like to thank each and every one of our subscribers, viewers and fans. We really do appreciate every single one of you.

Tuesday 1 September 2015

It's been a while...

It has been so long since I updated this blog so I thought I should find a little time to get you guys up to speed.

We recently celebrated our first year on Youtube and I can't believe we are closing in on 20,000 subscribers! It has been such a crazy 12 months, but absolutely amazing at the same time. I have made some amazing friends along the way through my love of toys and I know for sure that we will remain very good friends with them all.

We celebrated our 1 year anniversary in the only way SETC knows how... with Play - doh. We made a giant Play Doh surprise cake (video attached below) and filled it with some of our favourite toys and collectibles that we have discovered over the past 12 months, including Moofi, Unicorno, My Little Pony and much, much more. Check it out, we had heaps of fun recording it.

We have so many ideas for new videos in the next 12 months and onwards and we are super excited about the future of SETC.

It has been a very rough ride for us on a personal level, we have had a number of illnesses and a lot of other personal issues but we have carried on putting out (what we believe is) great and enjoyable content.

The last 12 months have been amazing and we hope you can all be with us for the next 12 months - you can subscribe to our YouTube channel by clicking here :)